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Glam Parties – Night in Blue featuring lady DJs Alex and Annie

C Beach Club’s Glam Parties seem to have been a great success, judging by the media coverage given locally and internationally to the opening season. Twelve exclusive events were organised between November 2011 and April 2012, lit up by female DJ duos mainly coming to us from the best Paris clubs.

The Annie and Alex duo (real names Charlotte and Clotilde) had the privilege of closing the season on Saturday 7 April with a Night in Blue. The talented duo, who come from Lille, have played most Paris venues, as well as their home town and places like Cannes, London, Berlin and Marrakesh. On their first visit to Mauritius, the two “atmosphere builders” spoke of how much they appreciated the “particularly idyllic” setting. After all, they rarely work in an open-air setting. “People come from all over the place and there are various nationalities,” as Clotilde emphasises, “so you have to work really hard to find the right way to link with people.”

“Music: it’s all a matter of material, of tone. You have to find the material to make people feel good, the right tone, and know when to make a switch.” The DJs, who select their music with the same care they select their clothes, knew just how to win over their audience. It all made for a wild evening, bathed in blue.

One thing is sure: the new season of Glam Parties at the C Beach Club from October onwards can’t arrive soon enoug

photos : rogers image bank

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