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“More than a rebranding, a manifesto”

Céline Guillot-Sestier,
Chief Communication Executive, Rogers Group

Through its recent repositioning, unveiled in November 2022, Rogers Group has set high ambitions: to pave the way for positive change, not only within its own operations, but also for the communities and environment in which it operates. Céline Guillot-Sestier, Rogers Group's Chief Communication Executive, provides us with a closer look at the inner workings of this exercise, offering a better insight into the implications of this process for a group such as Rogers.

Rogers has undergone a complete overhaul this year. How did this repositioning come about?

This repositioning took place in a very specific context. The combined effects of the pandemic, global warming and geopolitical crises have plunged the world into a new reality in which change has become the only constant. We must deal with this reality full of turbulence, uncertainties, and paradoxes, all while seizing opportunities to promote sustainable growth.

Taking this as our starting point, we set out to identify the perceived and real challenges Rogers faces in terms of image, whether those relate to the Group’s brand, the teams and talents that it is composed of, or its activities and strategy. Internal and external perception studies, as well as extended working sessions, have enabled us to refine our raison d’être, underlined by our new brand promise, “Meaningful Change”, and also to restructure our activities, moving from four ‘Served Markets’ to five ‘Segments’.

Why was this exercise essential?

Because it allows us to establish Rogers’ positioning in line with the challenges and opportunities the Group faces now and in the future. This step is essential as it lays the foundations for the development of our 2023-2026 strategic plan. This repositioning is an important milestone in Rogers’ evolution. It allows us to reinforce our teams’ and operations’ engagement around common principles such as our raison d’être, values, mission, and vision, in alignment with our new brand promise, “Meaningful Change”.

What is the dynamic behind this promise of “Meaningful Change”?

It reflects who we are and affirms who we want to be. Over the past 123 years, the Rogers Group has made a significant contribution to the development of Mauritius, as a pioneer in sectors as diverse as logistics, aviation, hospitality, and technology. These activities, which are still the pillars of our business today, have had a lasting impact on the lives of Mauritians; they have helped shape the country we know today. At a fundamental level, a company is called upon to develop, innovate and change. Building on our DNA, and continuing to develop our heritage, we are reiterating our commitment as a Corporate Citizen. In concrete terms, this means working to ensure the sustainability of our companies, the community, and the environment.

“So we are taking change by the hand before it takes us by the throat”, as Churchill says. Is that the idea?

Indeed, that does sum it up well! But it goes beyond knowing how to adapt to or anticipate change. It’s about creating positive change and each of us individually contributing to that. More than just words, it is a real mindset, a raison d’être that must inspire our 4,700 employees. In line with this, we are continuing to focus our efforts on the social and environmental impact of the Group, which is essential to the long-term future of our companies, the people who work there, our country, and our planet.

Our environment is changing more than ever before. The new challenges we face, particularly in regard to climate and social issues, are shaping a new world order. The priorities we had ten years ago are not the priorities we have today and will be even less so tomorrow. Rogers was a pioneer in putting sustainable development on its agenda; we have embarked on a journey to move sustainability from being one agenda item among many to being part of how we do business. This concept of value is intrinsically linked to the 3Ps principle – Prosperity, People, Planet – which we are integrating into our strategy, both in terms of transforming our operations and realising our future projects. Beyond a simple rebranding, this new phase in Rogers’ history is a manifesto that sets the seal on a promise.

New logo + new brand image = new beginning?

New logo, new brand image, yes! The logo had not been redesigned for almost twenty years. It is now more modern and more rooted, embodying the dynamism and diversity of Rogers. It’s a new phase in terms of image, a new chapter, but not exactly a new beginning. The aim is not to wipe the slate clean but to reinforce the achievements of an iconic Group and to re-engage our teams around a common, meaningful objective. Keeping pace with the changing world meant realigning our mission, values, and identity so that they continue to embody the excellence that has shaped Rogers since 1899. Our new mission is consistent with what we have been doing for years. It also aligns with our vision of “Shaping a better future”.

How will this translate into the customer experience?

For our target markets and customers, our brand signature signifies a commitment. For our teams, it is a responsibility. We must ensure that every operation we carry out delivers on this promise of “Meaningful Change”. This means delivering high-performance, high-value-added services, but it goes beyond that – it’s also about generating, to the max, a positive long-term impact on all areas of our business. This ranges from carbon-neutral holidays to healthy, sustainable fruits and vegetables as well as low-density, environmentally friendly property developments and rolling out highly secure fibre-optic internet access. It is difficult to give an exhaustive list as so many initiatives are ongoing across the Group!

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