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Rogers Capital’s Foreign Desks, truly understanding the customer’s needs

The Foreign Desks set up by Rogers Capital to better understand and meet the expectations of customers in specific markets, namely in France, South Africa, India and China, are powerful tools for business development, networking and marketing.

Dedicated teams consisting of experts with varied and specialised skills in the taxation, global business, technology and financial services fields are a key element of Rogers Capital’s Foreign Desks. These professionals have not only proven technical knowledge, but also a good cultural understanding of the countries or regions concerned. Each of these Foreign Desks consists of a team of about fifteen people in the back office and, by extension, the 225 employees of Rogers Capital’s Corporate Services.

The creation of the first Foreign Desk for France dates back to October 2016, which was then followed by two others for South Africa and India, and more recently, a fourth for China. These markets were selected based on their importance and the critical mass they represent for Rogers Capital.

In recent years, a significant flow of French investments in Africa has passed through Mauritius. Although the French-speaking part of the continent was mainly concerned, the jurisdiction’s bilingualism was a facilitating element for those who also wish to invest in sub-Saharan Africa. South Africa has always been an important market, both for companies that use Mauritius as a platform to invest elsewhere on the continent as well as for individuals who want to invest and settle in the country. Despite changes to the bilateral tax treaty, India remains a major market for Mauritius and a growing number of Chinese investors are using existing trade treaties to invest in Africa.

Each of these Foreign Desks consists of a team of about fifteen people in the back office and, by extension, the 225 employees of Rogers Capital’s Corporate Services.

The feedback gathered to date is very positive as clients appreciate the special attention given to them and the specialisation in the particular aspects that concern them. Although they’re based in Mauritius, Rogers Capital’s experts undertake regular customer visits. The organisation of conferences and business forums also helps to strengthen bonds with the customer. A business forum organised last March in Paris with around 60 customers was a valuable platform during which Mauritius, Rogers Group and Rogers Capital were discussed.

The next step is to open up representative offices to complement each Foreign Desk. Rogers Capital has already opened the first office in Johannesburg, South Africa with a full-time employee who regularly meets with customers and contributes to the development of the business. Other offices will soon be set up in Paris and Mumbai upon requests from customers who wanted a permanent on-site presence. And over the next few years, representation offices will open in other key locations, such as Nairobi and Beijing.

The establishment of these Foreign Desks has also opened the door to new opportunities, justifying the increased investment in their development. In the near future, the South Africa Desk will be transformed into an Africa Desk, and an experienced Africa Strategy Officer will be recruited. The arrival of an international expert in African taxation also addresses the need to offer a more customer-centric service. After three successful trips to China and South Korea, Rogers Capital is also planning to expand the Chinese Desk to the Asian continent, which offers very interesting prospects.

Effectively bridging the gap between the production division in Mauritius and growing markets, Rogers Capital’s Foreign Desks promote the development of tailor-made solutions. This, alongside quality service and a strong customer relationship, makes all the difference.

Other offices will soon be set up in Paris and Mumbai upon requests from customers who wanted a permanent on-site presence.

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