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A new neighbourhood at Heritage Villas Valriche

French businessman Yves Vincent Brottier decided to retire from his real estate and medical equipment companies. He settled in Mauritius, and given the island’s potential, he took the ambitious gamble to develop a new neighbourhood at Heritage Villas Valriche, in Bel Ombre. Here is his testimonial.

Is Mauritius paradise on earth?

Absolutely! My wife, Catherine, and I were looking for a beautiful island where we could spend half the year. After we discovered Mauritius, we decided to settle permanently there in 2021.

Why Heritage Villas Valriche?

We were enchanted by the authenticity of the South and the rolling landscape of Heritage Villas Valriche. We found the quietude we were looking for and wanted to give this opportunity to those who share our vision. We have, therefore, not only bought our own plot but acquired a whole area comprising several plots on which we will build modern luxury villas.

Your house is the first building in this neighbourhood!

Its contemporary style will highlight the neighbourhood’s main asset: a dominant view since the area is situated high up. The French architect, with whom we are working, has added 3-metre-high bay windows to the design so as not to miss anything of nature’s beauty!

Is sustainable construction a must?

Of course! We import many technical solutions from Europe, where new and eff icient materials emerge. To ensure villas are more self-suff icient in terms of water and electricity, we have implemented several measures along with the promoter, such as the installation of solar panels, in addition to thermal insulation on the roof and walls subject to direct sunlight.

Yves Vincent Brottier is the third businessman to acquire an area at Heritage Villas Valriche to gradually develop ready-built villas. It is a new type of market demand to which Heritage Villas Valriche is responding, thanks to the last three neighbourhoods developed within the estate. Each of them comprises six plots. They are currently on sale.

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