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Thank who?

Here, we're putting the spotlight on people who led inspirational and innovative initiatives and experiences.

Thank you to Rebecca Espitalier-Noël for her fight against food waste through Foodwise. With the recent publication of the book “Recettes 5* : quand la gastronomie rencontre le zéro-gaspi… à petit prix !” (5* recipes: when gastronomy meets zero waste… at low cost), the not-for-profit organisation aims to help Mauritians prepare cheap, locally sourced, gourmet dishes, while avoiding waste. Thanks to the support of Rogers Hospitality, this cookbook will be distributed free of charge to the most vulnerable.

Thanks to Caroline Fitz-Gibbon, from the RekonekT association, who organised the first Queer Market in September. A great way to highlight the skills of the LGBTIQ+ community and to acknowledge those who work for this cause.

Thanks to Barlen Pyamootoo, founder of the Trou d’Eau Douce Book Festival. The festival is Barlen’s way of sharing his love for writing and reading, and also contributes to decentralising culture by promoting his native village of Trou d’Eau Douce.

Thank you to Vikram Sevathean. Although he sadly recently passed away, Vikram is remembered for his dedication to a noble cause, regularly driving around the island in his van to distribute food to children in poor areas. Vikram is also the subject of the winning photo in a competition organised by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius in collaboration with Business Mauritius, which Rogers sponsored.

Kudos to Russell Caine, coach of the Southern Cyclones – Bel Ombre’s rugby team, which is primarily made up of young people from vulnerable backgrounds. For Russell, the team is a way to encourage young people to play a sport, but also a way to promote self-esteem, and teach discipline, respect for opponents, and so on. One of his protégés has even obtained a sports scholarship!

Thanks to Stephania Mellier for her work with the Chrysalide Centre, a shelter for female victims of violence. As Communications Manager at Rogers, she shares her knowledge of communication and “soft skills” with the residents to help them regain confidence and get back on their feet. She is currently working on the centre’s new image.

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